Parowan Animal Assistance League
The Parowan Animal Assistance League (P.A.A.L) is a committee formed at the request of Mayor Donald Landes. The Mission of PAAL is the care, health and well being of animals in custody at the Parowan Animal Shelter.
Our first accomplishment in April 2011, was to designate the Parowan Animal Shelter as a No Kill facility, only animals that are too ill or have behaviors that are dangerous and uncorrectable can be considered for euthanasia. Due to the restrictive size of the facility at this time we are only able to accommodate dogs.
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Tax Deductible Donations to this group will only be used for the care of the animals and improvements to the Animal Shelter as needed. A separate account has been [paal3] set up with Parowan City for these funds, they cannot be used for any other purpose except as stated above.
Please make checks out to:
Parowan Annimal Assistance League, you can mail them to:
P.O. Box 576
Parowan, UT 84761
Or drop donations at the Parowan City Office, 35 East 100 North.
Volunteers are also needed and welcomed, please click here to sign up to be a volunteer.