"Parowan Sings" - Parowan's Virtual Birthday Ball Celebration - January 16th, 2021

Parowan Sings Logo

Jan. 16, 7 p.m.

“Parowan Sings,” this year’s socially distant alternative to the traditional Parowan Birthday Ball, will be made available for streaming on Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. This production features local performers enacting musical scenes from some of Parowan’s past community theater productions. The link to view “Parowan Sings” will be published on Parowan.org, phs.ironk12.org, and the “Friends of Parowan Theater” Facebook page, www.facebook.com/Friends-of-Parowan-Theater-104556677808585. Settle in with your family members and some popcorn to enjoy Parowan Community Theatre pandemic-style! Streaming the production is free!